Friends and sponsors

2023-2024 Sponsors

We’re pleased to source our hydraulic re-power project parts locally to Aero, and they have provided a generous discount for our project

Debra Bevaart at
Tug Ghum Gallery Studio
for her huge support
of our annual raffle

Railroad Infrastructure Project
and the
Anderson Sawmill Project

Local Club: Ongoing support for
Ghost Train, Santa Train, handicapped car, advertising and financial donations over many years.

A long-time supporter, Select provides us with significant discounts on our gravel

Terra Nostra Farm donated
a flat of pumpkin seedlings
for our Pumpkin Patch!

4QD in the UK,
Pro-360 controller for the
Climax Locomotive project.

We have enjoyed good coverage over the years

Small Jobs Electrical, David Brown

for a discount on our August 2024 electrical project

Historical Sponsors


Kiwanis Powell River Club,
PR Community Forest, Gerri Parsons,
Western Forest Products, Robert G. Lacey


Tug Ghum Gallery – Debra Bevaart
Select Sand-Gravel, qathet Living,
T&R Contracting, Mark Hassett, Quality Parts,
Royal Canadian Legion, Valley Building Supplies,
BC Fallers Ltd, City Transfer Ltd

Farmers Market & qathet Farmers Agricultural Institute, Tilt Contracting, A&W Restaurant, The Peak, PR office.. BC Forest Ministry, Marta Trucking, Gloslee Excavating, Adams Concrete, John Brownsell Backhoe, Dave Formosa Holdings,
Olympic Log Sort, PR Community Foundation,
R&A Bourassa logging, Read English Sawmill,
West Coast Ind. Maintenance

Terra Nostra Farms, 4qd Motor Controls, Cottage Creek Bakeshop, Coast FM 95.7, Wick’s Fire Safety, Lois Lumber, Lordco Parts, Pacific Amb Seafoods, Springtime Garden Centre, Scott McLeod Sanara Contracting, Relay Rentals, Bob Marquis Contracting, Welper’s Tree Services, BC Society Model Engineers, Brian Kukulies, Groundworks, PR Forest Products, R&L Enterprises, Stewart Systems Inc, Stonecraft Engineering

qathet Museum & Archives, Vanderkamps, Staples, Canadian Tire, Rural Septic Systems, Economy Rentals, Rona, Quality Foods, Safeway, Save-on foods, Credit Union

10-hour club Recent Working Members with over 10 hours accumulated in the past year. 

Laurie Benner
Leif Bjornson
Rob-Susan Clark
Russ Evans
Dave Florence
Ron Hunter
Stephen James
Bob Johnson
Laura Johnson
Allan Larson

Gerry Lister
Matt Lister
Rick Lundgren
Dan-Lynda Parsons
Karl Schoen
Mary Schoen
Tom Sparks
Susan Straathof
Leslie West
Colleen Wilson

RIP: Geoff Stubbs, Mike Lister, Carol Maurer