In Memoriam

We’ve lost good members and friends over the years

Geoff Stubbs (June 2, 1951 – Oct 18, 2024). Secretary, Treasurer, and a stalwart operations and maintenance crew member for 11 years on the railroad, Trail and Forestry Museum.. Obit is here

Mike Lister, (May 14, 1938 – Feb 27, 2021), was a stalwart member and friend to us all: lead member on the Willingdon Beach Trail for many years, a mainstay in the design, building, maintenance and operation of the Paradise Valley Railroad, and active in Society matters and the Forestry Museum for over 20 years.

Gerri Parsons Oct 12. 1925 – Nov 21, 2020 and her husband Charlie were founding members of the PR Forestry Museum society in 1986. Gerri served as secretary in the early days, and Charlie was instrumental in getting the old beach house for the Forestry Museum, getting permission to populate the trail with artifacts, and in gathering the artifacts. Charle passed away many years before Gerri. Gerri continued her contact with the Society, and her donation in 2011 of $5,000 kick-started the Paradise Valley Railroad.

Carol Maurer, (Dec 16, 1936 – July 5, 2020) served many years as our always-there lead ticket seller at the railroad, reliable railroad revenue manager, and was a good friend to the whole crew,

Jack McCuish, Aug 22, 1935 – Feb 25, 2020 was a founding member and later a President of the Forestry Museum society who was very active in the 1986-2006 era.

Jerry Oszust, Oct 27, 1932 – Jan 10, 2018, was a long-serving Museum and Trail member who provided many items from his shop to our various projects. He made the water wheel at the Railroad.

Linda Florence, Feb 3, 1943 – Apr 16, 2016, helped out over 15 years with raffle administration and ticket sales.

Details or photos to be added:

  • Les Shelton, secretary for many years 1980s, 90s
  • Bob Rourke, active on the trail 1990s, 2000s
  • Bill Tuba,