How to Join the Paradise Valley Railroad or Forestry Heritage Society
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- Membership cost is free; we are open to everyone;
- To become a member:
- email us at expressing interest, or call Dave at 604-413-1224
- attend two work parties or train crew days
- provide contact details: email address (or phone number if not using email)
- tell us your areas of interest: ride-on train operation, garden railroad or other building projects; skills we can use, etc
- update us with any contact information changes;
- Follow the procedures and safety standards for work parties
- Support and comply with the Constitution and Bylaws
- To resign your membership, simply send an email telling us that;
- Members are automatically on the “Operations and Maintenance Committee” and are covered by our liability insurance policy
- If you have not attended for a year, we will delete you from the member list;
- meetings are held during work parties or train-operating days, with the
Annual General Meeting in April on a Tuesday at 7 pm; - Work parties are called as needed